Olympics of Esports: a future vision for “virtual sports” with AI and NFT

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Olympics of Esports: a future vision for “virtual sports” with AI and NFT

Eric Paulier, founder and CEO of Vatom, spoke at the UNESCO “Change the Game” sports conference in Paris. His speech offered a future vision of the Esports Olympics, which includes “virtual sports,” competitions involving technologies such as AI and NFT.


  • Olympics of Esports: Eric Pulier’s vision on the future of “virtual sports” with AI and NFT
  • Esports Olympics: promoting inclusion thanks to AI and other technologies
  • The game based on Tezos Blockchain

Olympics of Esports: Eric Pulier’s vision on the future of “virtual sports” with AI and NFT

Eric Pulier, CEO of Vatom, spoke at the UNESCO “Change the Game” sports conference in Paris. His speech offered a future vision of the Esports Olympics, which includes “virtual sports”, competitions involving technologies such as AI, visual recognition, and NFT.

In practice, for Paulier, this new way of doing the Olympics will allow real-time remote competitions. Not only that, Paulier specified that these games will require a physical and mental excellence no less than that of today’s Olympic sports.

At the same time, the future vision of the Esports Olympics will offer the opportunity to promote inclusion in all geographical areas and economic conditions.

Paulier also spoke about the rise of the Global Esports Federation (GEF), with its 173 affiliated federations, as the leading body in the sector.

In this regard, Pulier will chair the Digital Transformation Commission (DTC) of the GEF, which brings together the main members of the global technology sector, creating a bridge between gaming, esports, sports, music, entertainment, and technology.

Esports Olympics: promoting inclusion thanks to AI and other technologies

Besides Pulier, over 600 personalities and executives from Fortune 500 companies, as well as ministers and officials from around the world, attended the UNESCO event in Paris.

In fact, Paul J. Foster, CEO of the Global Esports Federation (GEF), Gabriela Ramos, Deputy Director-General for Social and Human Sciences at UNESCO, and Nobel Prize winner Muhammad Yunus, founder of the Yunus Sports Hub and Grameen Bank, also intervened.

The future vision of the Esports Olympics also sees the participation of Vatom, the platform by Pulier that will lead the GEF CTO Office. In this regard, Vatom will take care of powering its interoperable fan engagement platform (GEFx) and integrating partners worldwide.

Not only that, for the occasion, Vatom will develop a global token using the new NFFT format that combines artificial intelligence and embedded game designs.

In this regard, Paul J. Foster, CEO of the GEF, commented:

“We are excited to welcome Eric Pulier and Vatom Corporation to our #worldconnected mission. As the world moves from the Paris 2024 Olympic Games to Vatom’s hometown for LA28, the combination of world-class technology and GEF’s global reach will enable us to serve billions of esports fans around the world and drive positive impact in the countries and communities of GEF’s 173 Member Federations.”

The game based on Tezos Blockchain

At the end of July, before the inauguration of the Paris 2024 Olympics, Athletics Rush by TapNation was launched, a digital athletics game based on Tezos Blockchain.

The new game promises an engaging experience with global competitions, various game modes, and blockchain rewards for players around the world.

Athletics Rush offers players the opportunity to jump, run, and launch themselves on mobile, through various challenges, and traveling through various countries, as well as compete in global leaderboards.

In reality, the integration with the Tezos blockchain will take place at the end of August, when the Olympics will already be over.


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