Why Your Kids Need Crypto More Than College

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Why Your Kids Need Crypto More Than College

A college degree has long been seen as the key to a stable career. But the landscape is changing fast, driven by ed-tech, AI, and a rapidly evolving workplace.

Many previously unheard of career paths will be available to your children. Just like early adopters of the internet founded and built web2 giants like Google, Microsoft, Paypal, and Amazon, those who understand cryptocurrency and blockchain will enjoy a blue ocean of opportunity as the next evolution of the internet is built. Here’s why learning crypto and blockchain skills will be more valuable for your kids than a traditional degree.

Jobs Are Changing

Blockchain and crypto skills are in high demand, creating new jobs that didn’t exist just a few years ago. Roles like blockchain developer, smart contract engineer, and crypto analyst have emerged, with companies offering high salaries for these hard-to-find skills. Other new jobs include NFT (Non-Fungible Token) designer, DeFi (Decentralized Finance) strategist, blockchain auditor, crypto marketing specialist, crypto content creators/influencer, blockchain game developer, and community manager for crypto projects. These positions don’t require a degree; they require knowledge and hands-on experience with blockchain technology. Many professionals in this space are self-taught, learning through online resources and community forums.

Decentralized Education

Education is changing, too. Decentralized platforms now offer crypto and blockchain courses without the high costs of traditional college. Platforms like BitDegree, CryptoZombies, Dacade, LearnCrypto, OpenZeppelin Academy, B9lab, and Moralis Academy provide affordable courses that teach blockchain skills. You can learn from experts, complete projects, and even earn tokens or rewards as you study. These platforms are regularly updated, keeping students in the loop on the latest technology trends.

Colleges, on the other hand, are falling behind in preparing students for the future. Rather than being hubs for free-thinking and skills development, many traditional colleges have become breeding grounds for “woke” ideology and propaganda. Your child is more likely to graduate with radical views on gender, family, race, and patriarchy than with real-world skills and financial literacy. Their warped understanding of how the world actually works will hamper their ability to adapt in the real-world job market.

Additionally, traditional education can take years to update curricula, meaning students may graduate with outdated knowledge. Particularly when it comes to crypto, traditional educational institutions are far from offering the cutting edge. Learning through decentralized platforms keeps students current in the fast-evolving crypto and blockchain space.

More Opportunities

The future is being built on blockchain. DeFi is already disrupting traditional banking, while Web3 technology is changing how apps, services and communities are built. Blockchain will transform industries like healthcare, gaming, real estate, supply chain management, and more.

As crypto and blockchain become more integrated into business, young people who understand this technology will have more opportunities. Unlike traditional careers that may stagnate, crypto forces everyone to keep learning. New trends and innovations in this fast-moving field are constantly emerging, and by being flexible, self-motivated, and independent thinkers, your kids will have higher chances of thriving in a world with unpredictable economic shifts. They’ll be equipped to work on global projects, join decentralized teams, or even start their own businesses. Many of these roles offer remote work, providing freedom and flexibility that traditional jobs often lack.

College Degrees Are Losing Value

Meanwhile, the value of a college degree is decreasing. Employers are increasingly looking for practical experience and specific skills rather than a diploma. Many graduates are struggling to find jobs that match their degrees while facing massive student debt. In contrast, learning crypto skills is often faster, cheaper, and more valuable.

Your portfolio, GitHub profile, and public contributions are increasingly becoming more important than any diploma. Many tech companies care far more about what you’ve done in the field than what courses you’ve taken. All too often, expensive college courses leave students with theoretical knowledge but no practical skills to show for it.

In Closing

The world is moving fast, and the opportunities in blockchain and crypto are growing. Traditional degrees are no longer the only or best way to succeed. By learning blockchain and crypto skills, your kids can be part of a rapidly expanding industry that promises to reshape the internet itself, earn great money, and avoid the debt trap of college.

Parents should start introducing their children to Bitcoin, crypto, and DeFi as early as possible. Much like many of us were taught about savings or the importance of good grades, the gift of their first Bitcoin, along with a crash course on how this money is theirs forever and beyond the reach of banks, is invaluable. This can set them on a path to financial literacy and independence.

Consider these steps to get your kids started:

  1. Explain what money is – The basics of currency, its value, and its role in society.
  2. Give them some Bitcoin – Let them own a small amount, so they feel personally invested.
  3. Introduce them to Bitcoin – How it works, why it’s different, and why it’s important.
  4. Diversify their knowledge with other crypto and DeFi – Show them the broader world of cryptocurrencies and decentralized finance.

The sooner your kids learn to navigate the world of crypto, the better prepared they’ll be to thrive in the world that’s coming. And that future is bright for those who are ready.


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