The Largest MAC Conference in Eastern Europe is Back!

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The Largest MAC Conference in Eastern Europe is Back!

MAC is a must-have; the conference has been setting the bar high for other conferences since 2017,” say those who have ever been to a MAC. And it’s true. MAC gathers thousands of market experts every year who are ready to travel to any corner of the globe to network, get the latest knowledge, and relax at grand parties (there are many of them on MAC).

In 2024, the MAC will be held in Yerevan on May 30-31. Here you will learn why to go to such events, what will happen at the conference, how to spend time at the conference with maximum benefit, how much tickets cost and which one is right for you.

Let’s start with why you need to attend conferences at all.

It’s no secret that at conferences, you can chat in a relaxed way with business people, find partners, and learn the latest news from the world of the affiliate market. However, there are also three non-obvious reasons that make attending conferences even more useful.

  1. The conference participants have answers that you will never find on the Internet. When, for example, a webmaster enters a new niche, he logically starts looking for information about it. Content on the Internet rarely shows even one-tenth of what you encounter in the real world. And at the conference, you will meet experts who will give you working ways to solve your problems. And you can also get contacts of people you can contact later.
  2. Team building and upgrade. Conferences are a great place to find team and partners. Here you will find both professionals with 10+ years of experience and beginners who are just starting their careers. You can find any specialists and invite them to your team, or find those who will help you upgrade and give useful advice.
  3. Find your growth points. Speakers often add case studies to their reports, in which they describe in detail their path from the beginning to earnings. If you listen carefully to the reports, you can find out in which direction you should move, which will lead to profit, which is a dead end, and what else you need to learn. The plus is that you don’t have to take risks; the other person will tell you about their path and their mistakes, and you can learn from them.

What awaits you on MAC’24

This year, there will be 2500+ participants on MAC, and 30 reports from international speakers will be on stage, among them KJ ROCKER, VAN OAKES, Galina Bakusheva, and Alexander Flint. There will be more than 100 companies, partners, and advertisers at the exhibition.

The main part of the conference, with the exhibition and presentations, will be held on May 30-31, but you can extend the conference and go to the Preparty and Afterparty as well. Briefly about what awaits you at each stage.

The main networking event will start the day before the MAC. The traditional Preparty will be held on May 29 at 20:00. The participants especially appreciate this part, because at the Preparty you will be able to meet the right people before anyone else and get the most favorable conditions for cooperation or find out exclusive information. Personal contact always plays a big role.

For those who are going to the conference for the first time, it is necessary to be at the Preparty. This stage may be the most useful for you. A big plus is that you can register for the conference in advance and not stand in queues.

The Main Event

On May 30-31, you will be able to hear reports from top speakers at the conference itself. The organizers personally select everyone, and everything here is at the highest level; perhaps for the last few years, it has been the only conference in the CIS to which international speakers come.

The MAC team lifted the veil of secrecy and told us about some of them. Only the best of the best will be on stage: opinion leaders, leading experts, coaches, and practitioners. The organizers’ approach will allow you to get the latest information firsthand. Closer to the day of the conference on the website, you will be able to see the full list of speakers on the conference website. Don’t miss it.

The exhibition will be held in one of the largest halls — the Meridian Exhibition Center. The team is already planning places for the stands, and you can go to the website and see who will be represented at the exhibition.

The Afterparty

There will be a grand Afterparty on MAC for 1,500+ participants starting on May 31 at 22:00. Everything is at the highest level as always:

  • The headliner, who was recognized by GQ as the “Man of the Year”, has been at the top of the charts for many years, while his identity is a secret.

  • Unlimited bar, hookah, and snacks during networking with market tops from all over the world.

  • Afterparty on MAC is always a bright show until the morning: popular DJs, music groups, dancing, and much more. And, of course, there are 2 dance floors, one of them is for techno lovers.

By the way, the organizers of the MAC have agreed with the top hotels in Yerevan, and all participants of the conference can stay in the hotels from the list below with a discount of up to 20%

Alexander is a luxury international hotel in the historical center of Yerevan — a beautiful view of the city from the roof. The hotel has a spa, sauna, swimming pool, and fitness center.

Seven Visions Resort & Places, The Dvin is a hotel located in a quiet and picturesque area of Yerevan, surrounded by nature. Spacious rooms with mountain views. The hotel has a panoramic outdoor pool, a restaurant serving modern Armenian cuisine, as well as a conference room, a CrossFit court and a tennis court.

Holiday Inn Yerevan Republic Square is a hotel in the heart of Yerevan. It has a wellness center with a 25-meter swimming pool, a jacuzzi with fresh and salt water, and a variety of exercise equipment.

Contact of the hotel manager:

Lida Ghazaryan
email: [email protected]
Phone: +37493726698
telegram @ghazaryanlida


There are 4 types of MAC tickets in total: GOLD, VIP, DIAMOND, COMPANY PASS. There are options for both solo players and companies.

A brief overview of what is included in the tickets:


2 days of the conference: exhibition, reports, networking during the main part. And the ticket holder will be able to watch all the speeches of the speakers on the record at any time.


Everything that is in GOLD, as well as Afterparty visits, unlimited free cocktails, hookah, and snacks at the party. A transfer to the Afterparty venue is also included at the expense of the organizers.


Everything that is in the VIP, as well as access to a private area with speakers, speakers and stakeholders. And transfer to the Afterparty location by premium car.


Suitable for teams. You get the placement of your company’s logo on the MAC website and a press release on the conf. Transfer to the Afterparty location is included.

How can I make the conference as useful as possible?

We have made a small memo for you that will help make the conference as useful as possible: meet the right people and gather contacts, present yourself to future partners or team members, and, of course, make yourself known at the conference.

  1. A conference for work, you can relax at the hotel. It is important to mentally set yourself up for productive networking and gaining new knowledge.
  2. Formulate your goals at the conference, for example, to assemble a team, find a partner, or find out the answers to your questions.
  3. Study all the participants you are interested in advance and make up a short route, which is why it is extremely important to come to events such as Preparation in order to have more information and time for networking.
  4. Correct collection of contacts. Perhaps many people have come across the fact that after the conference, there are hundreds of new chats on the phone and a sticker in each one. If you remember at least half of them, that’s good luck. To avoid such a situation, write a short summary about yourself and the person you met in the dialogue and take a photo together.
  5. Make electronic business cards, for example, using a QR code, and describe your professional experience. Such business cards can also be sent to your chat.
  6. We do not recommend ignoring parties; there will be a lot of them on the MAC, and in addition to the preparation and afterparty, there will be a lot of parties from sponsors between the days. As practice shows, profitable partnerships are more often concluded in a relaxed atmosphere of parties.


Conferences are worth attending not only to talk about yourself and find affiliate programs or advertisers but also to take a fresh look at your work, and familiar verticals and reboot. Working in affiliate marketing depends not only on statistics but also on connections.

MAC is an event where you can not only conclude many profitable partnerships but also have a good time. And for early ticket buyers, there is a good discount — up to 25%. Tickets can be purchased on the MAC website.


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