Bitcoin Miner Genesis Digital Assets Launches Heat Repurposing Project in Sweden

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Bitcoin Miner Genesis Digital Assets Launches Heat Repurposing Project in Sweden

Genesis Digital Assets Limited (GDA) has embarked on a new project in Norsjö, Sweden, utilizing surplus heat from one of its bitcoin mining data centers to warm a local garage. This collaboration with Swedish company Muttern Fastigheter showcases an innovative approach to enhancing energy efficiency within the industry.

GDA and Muttern Fastigheter Collaborate on Sustainable Heating Solution in Sweden

GDA, which operates 20 data centers with 600 megawatts (MW) of hashpower and over 180,000 mining rigs, has partnered with Muttern Fastigheter to launch a heating initiative. This project redirects waste heat from GDA’s data center operations to provide 90,000 cubic meters of hot air per hour at 52°C across a 1,200-square-meter garage, addressing a pressing need in Västerbotten County, where temperatures can drop as low as -25°C.

Bitcoin Miner Genesis Digital Assets Launches Heat Repurposing Project in Sweden

According to GDA, this creative solution is fully powered by renewable energy from the nearby Vargfors Hydroelectric Power Station, reflecting the company’s dedication to sustainability and community involvement. Completed in less than 45 days, the initiative demonstrates how advancements in bitcoin (BTC) mining technology can offer tangible benefits to local communities.

“Our venture into heating a large garage space using computation excess heat is a practical example of how the industry can contribute positively and integrate with local communities,” Abdumalik Mirakhmedov, the executive president of GDA remarked on Tuesday. Mirakhmedov added:

We are proud to pioneer these kinds of efforts because they reaffirm GDA’s role as a leader in sustainability and show how bitcoin mining byproducts can be used for community utility.

The success of this project has led local officials to consider implementing similar solutions for municipal buildings. Both GDA and Muttern Fastigheter see this partnership as a model for future initiatives that could establish new industry standards for repurposing excess energy in environmentally friendly ways. This announcement comes on the heels of bitcoin mining company MARA’s disclosure that it is heating a town of over 11,000 residents in Finland by harnessing heat generated from BTC mining.

What do you think about GDA’s heat project? Share your thoughts and opinions about this subject in the comments section below.


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